Cross of Gonçalo Melo di Magellano

Smart bag

Responsibilities: Product | UX | UI

How can a sustainable logistic app be elevated into a solid MVP?



The client: big industrial packaging of the Netherlands

During transportation big portions of food ingredients get deteriorated due to bad conditions because of manual monitoring.

To solve this problem, our client created sophisticated sensors to measure with high precision the food variables during its transportation. To view the data collected from the food sensors, our client created an app.

the problem

Basic functionalities make the solution still not appealing for clients

The existing app is very basic, and they require an app with amplified features, that correspond to the needs of clients.

How can we make the app more sexy for customers?

Market research

Seeing the big picture

To start understanding the big picture and the problem, I examined the big players in the market as well as parallel markets; industrial companies of food; apps that track food; and understanding the producers of food.

Market research

I came up with the following conclusions

The journey of food is highly complex, and involves a lot of players from the moment food is bought to arrive to destination. There are variables that are more important than others.

This concept has a big problem: it is a subscription of sensors, that have to be send back to the main provider...

To convince the users to use this app, we have to make the app integrating with the sensors in a seamless way.

the value

So what should I give them?

A user-friendly journey, eliminating all the potential risks of the products getting deteriorated. Added value: Creating the best journey for large logistics products be sustainable.

the happy scenario

The scenario where everyone is happy

There were 4 possibilites of journey, and by talking to the users, and understanding the context, we understood that the happiest scenario is one in which the bag and sensor are within a subscription model.

Information architecture

Then to understand how
things are going to look, I started with the architecture


Then to understand how
things are going to look I turned to Mr. Figma


A monitoring application for making food logistics more sustainable


We created 3 types of user flows, that represent the 3 different stakeholders in the project.
Then, the managers (main user) can add the sensors.

Check the content of the bags

Here you can check all the content of the bags, and also add bag details.


You can see which bags are performing well, and which are not. You can group bags and send them collectively.


Then, the bags will have a barcode, and you will be able to scan, and at the same time, track the bags.